February 08, 2009

Job clips

So, that internship I posted about probably won't happen, and it's not my fault. The Florida field season starts in late February, and I won't be officially done with school until 8 May. So, I paid $25 for the SCA super-summer-internship database, and applied to 28 internships around the country. I've got three amazing people writing letters for me, and they all want to see me succeed. Cool. But, I want a job in Michigan! Darling Marling isn't graduating until December.

Marci and I were going to perform for this show called the Love Hangover in Ann Arbor, on 15 Feb. But, the show was booked with performers before we got our foot in the door, and I've yet again fallen out of musical grace. The inspiration comes and goes in very long disproportionate wavelengths now, and jamming with people is one of my least favorite things.

Little known fact: I had a hell of a time typing this because my nail clippers are missing and my finger nails are in the way of everything right now. I vaguely remember wanting to hide them from my housemates because they were all under the impression that the little silver necessity that was buried in my toiletries, in my part of the cubbard, were for communal use. So, they are either hidden in my room somewhere, or in someone else's. Who clips their nails outside of the bathroom anyway?

1 comment:

Marla ji said...

Yesterday I applied to the three MSU entomology positions opening this summer and need to get on finding more to pursue as a safety net. I don't know what I will do if I don't get a job here, and I don't know what I'll do if you don't get a job here...

p.s., I clip my nails in the living room.