1. Come up with a random person, place or thing - OR - click "random article". For example, the Television.
2. Now, click on "random article"
3. Find your way to the self-chosen person place, or thing (or back to the first random article) from step 1 by using only the in-text links and informational side bars from the random page.
You can't click "back" and you can't use the search function (ctrl+f)
Here is a quick run through, with a list of my travels. My end-goal is Christmas. My random start article is Flicker, which is apparently a name given to many things. The following is my clicked route to Christmas...
- Flicker, the novel by Theodore Roszak
- From the plot summary I find the hot-linked word "Catholic"
- In the "see also" category I catch a reference to Christianity
- Off to the right I discover a nifty summary of the Christian faith, including a Calendar of its significant celebrated moments
- Boom! The Westerners' section declares Christmas as a season in the liturgical calendar...
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