And man, I just found the spelling of a nickname my great-grandma Guidotti gave me when I was a very little kid. The way she always said it sounded like "chachalele", like a dancing ukulele. But, it could be a regional Tuscan pronunciation.
chiacchierone = chatterbox or windbag
I like the sound of it, but also like to think I've toned it down a little. I'm a fire sign, so go figure. According to this blog and the picture above, I hold my cigars like the man in figure 1. Use the key below and ask yourself this: who are you when it comes to shmokin a shmiggey?
1. Chiacchierone, democratico, generoso, affabile
2. Ragionevole, pensieroso
3. Parlatore, elegantebuono, psicologo
4. Spirito Calmo e deciso
5. Incredulo
6. Nervoso collerico, ma uomo di parola
7. Gaio, gioviale, testardo
8. Scettico, pratico, vendicativo
9. Elegante e dabbene
10. Solitario, interessato
11. Brutale ed egoista
12. Economo
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