June 05, 2008

The wings won! I'm a chatterbox!

Yay for the Red Wings! I saw former Spartan hockey player, Justin Abdelkader, interviewed on CBC after the game, and my friend Steve saw him skating around with the cup after the win. He just signed for a three year contract and I am so pumped. With a name like that, look out for some sweet commentator quips. "...and Legace has just been Abdelkaded!!!"

And man, I just found the spelling of a nickname my great-grandma Guidotti gave me when I was a very little kid. The way she always said it sounded like "chachalele", like a dancing ukulele. But, it could be a regional Tuscan pronunciation.

chiacchierone = chatterbox or windbag

I like the sound of it, but also like to think I've toned it down a little. I'm a fire sign, so go figure. According to this blog and the picture above, I hold my cigars like the man in figure 1. Use the key below and ask yourself this: who are you when it comes to shmokin a shmiggey?

1. Chiacchierone, democratico, generoso, affabile
2. Ragionevole, pensieroso
3. Parlatore, elegantebuono, psicologo
4. Spirito Calmo e deciso
5. Incredulo
6. Nervoso collerico, ma uomo di parola
7. Gaio, gioviale, testardo
8. Scettico, pratico, vendicativo
9. Elegante e dabbene
10. Solitario, interessato
11. Brutale ed egoista
12. Economo

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